Earnings Disclaimer
Updated 31 December, 2018
This Earning disclaimer is incorporated by reference into both the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
DISCLAIMER: Proceed with extreme care and caution. I am not an bar licensed attorney. I am not a lawyer. No attorney prepared the material presented in this website. Do not rely on anything here as legal advice. This is legal information based on my extensive experience. Before you even consider applying anything you learn here in the real world contact an attorney in your local area first for actual advice and guidance.
Any results referred to above and throughout this website and any videos or downloaded material are my personal results. Understand that my results are not typical. There is no implication that you will duplicate, or even come close to duplicating, my result. There is no implication that you can or will do anything for that matter. My results are obtained via the benefit of having over 10 years of experience in litigating my own cases. By far most people who attempt any “how to” program obtain little or no results. I reference my experiences for example purposes only.
Your results will vary from none, to bad to great and will depend on many factors I cannot account for in these materials. Such determining factors might include your background, education, psychological health, experience, ability to study and learn, your finances, your available daytime hour, your ability to adapt to unforeseen occurrences, willingness to research beyond these materials from other reputable sources, and work ethic.
None of the materials here are related to "debt-elimination" strategies, or "credit repair" strategies. None of the information here is related to tax debt, foreclosure or bankruptcy. In fact employing any information here could have the effect of damaging your finances, generating more debt, or lowering your credit scores and your credit worthiness.
All legal strategies entail risk of uncertainty and damaging outcomes. All legal strategies require massive and consistent study, effort, application of time, ability to adapt to the unforeseen, and action. If you are not willing to accept the inherent risks, then these programs, products, free materials, study guides, training and videos are not for you.
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